The environment is one of the fundamental values in TRAFILERIA LARIANA Drawing Steels’ company policies. All company processes are managed in such a way as to minimize environmental impact, within the more general and long-range view of championing sustainable development in the local area where we operate.


We produce quality steel while respecting the local community, natural resources, and the environment because producing responsibly is an essential part of our standards of proper conduct in relations and processes.


Standards and Legislation

  • We abide by applicable environmental standards and legislation, as well as by the requirements of our Environmental Management System.


  • We act prudently and consistently to prevent any possible source of pollution.Environment, health, and safety are inextricably bound together.


  • We seek continual improvement in our performance, adopting the best available practices for effective protection of our environment and natural resources.

Target setting

  • All members of the company take part in the definition of environmental commitments, working together toward the same goals.Each one dedicates effort, time, and resources to ongoing training to remain at the forefront of his or her field.


  • We are active promoters of quality along the entire production chain, engaging our suppliers and partners in protecting the environment.


  • It is important to us to forge and maintain constructive relations with the local community (residents and associations), public administration, business community, and other institutions to ensure that sustainable development outlooks, objectives, and actions are shared to the greatest extent possible.


In line with the company value of respect for the environment and the local community, in 2011 we decided to install a photovoltaic array, which has allowed us to move closer to energy self-sufficiency while also advancing our environmental policy by minimizing our consumption of natural resources.